
Body Harmony is a pilates inspired class which aims to “balance” the body by encouraging better posture and alignment which leads to a feeling of wellbeing. It also strengthens the body and increases flexibility over time. My aim is to help you to achieve a body that is stronger, leaner and healthier.

Classes are multi-level to suit all fitness levels and all ages from 16 to 70+. Everyone is encouraged to work at the level most appropriate to their current ability with modifications and progressions being offered as appropriate. The first class or two can be a bit overwhelming because there is a lot of information to take in. It’s important to remember that pilates is like teaching your body a new language. It’s going to take time to get to grips with but it’s worth the effort.

I believe in a class content that is varied but attainable, keeping participants motivated and inspired. Class participants generally leave feeling energised yet relaxed, lengthened and probably feeling several inches taller!

If you have never tried pilates before don’t be afraid to come along and give it a go !

Estilo: Modern Pilates
Niveles de habilidad: Todos los niveles


Lunes: 18:15:00 - 19:15:00


Loppington Village Hall, Loppington, England, Sy4 5NG, Reino Unido

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Ultima actualización 26 de Julio de 2017 a las 07:45 UTC

Body Harmony UK

Please contact me directly via my website to ensure that your message reaches me


Página web: http://www.bodyharmonyuk.com/
Calificaciones: Other Recognized Pilates Qualification
Teléfono: 01939 236127
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